Consulting for companies
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The IT systems company CTL Computertechnik Lang has been in existence since 1983.

From its headquarters in Baden-Württemberg, the systems company provides solutions for automotive suppliers with more than 500 clients as well as for small and medium-sized enterprises, municipalities, tax consultants, educational institutions, trading companies, and metal processors.

One thing Joachim Lang has learned during his time as Managing Director is that, the larger companies are, the more price-sensitive they are in their purchasing. Except, as an intermediary of major manufacturers, he can’t always be flexible to such wishes. That’s certainly what he thought until he started looking into the topic of used software.

Preview CaseStudy CTLLearn more in this case study:

what role a client’s counteroffer played in the future work of the system house

how legally compliant and audit-proof verification is carried out at VENDOSOFT

what advantages licensing advice from Microsoft Licensing Professionals offers

what price advantages can be found in used software licences



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