News rund um gebrauchte Software

Online Shop for Used Software

20. June 2018

In May 2018, VENDOSOFT launched its new German online shop for used software as well as its international company website. The international online shop has now followed suit so that the entire product range of new and used Microsoft and Adobe licenses is now available for customers throughout Europe.

VENDOSOFT is one of the leading providers of second-hand software licenses. The reseller from German Bavaria is living up to this claim by internationalising its websites and online offerings. Professionals from all over Europe will find a reliable way to cost-effectively source company software with the wide range of Microsoft and Adobe volume licenses. From used licenses to new software and cloud solutions such as Microsoft Office 365: At VENDOSOFT, companies can purchase their entire software needs from one single source.


Purchasing used software promises IT procurement savings of 30-50 percent. VENDOSOFT carries office applications from Microsoft and Adobe, Windows operating systems, Microsoft servers and the associated client access licenses (CALs). All software is available as volume licenses from 10 to several thousand licenses – deliverable within a few days.
Every month, customers can find an even better deal in the ‘Offer of the Month’. It can be a further 30 to 50 percent cheaper than the listed price.
The new online shop for used software also features VENDOSOFT’s ‘best sellers’ – at a very attractive price as well!


All the benefits in the German online shop for used software are also available for international clients: Users will quickly find what they are looking for thanks to great usability, clear navigation, search functions and the categorisation of the software on offer. Once all the products are in the shopping cart, a price request can be made using an online form. “You will be sent a quotation within 24 hours,” promises CEO Björn Orth. Products can be delivered within a few working days.
This fast order processing as well as the high level of availability of new and used software licenses speak for the success that VENDOSOFT has been achieving for years.

“Start a test!” recommands Björn Orth, also highlighting the licensing consultancy provided by his team – certified Microsoft Licensing Professionals and Adobe Certified Resellers.

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Wir stehen für alle Auskünfte über den Verkauf & Ankauf gebrauchter Software sowie Cloud- und Hybrid-Lösungen zu Ihrer Verfügung – Persönlich und kompetent.

Beachten Sie bitte, dass VENDOSOFT ausschließlich Lizenzen aus gewerblicher Nutzung kauft, nicht von Privatpersonen!

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