News rund um gebrauchte Software

VENDOSOFT lowers prices for Adobe software

10. September 2018

The software company VENDOSOFT maintains a large supply of Adobe’s creative programmes. From now until the end of the year, VENDOSOFT lowers prices for Adobe software such as Adobe Acrobat and the Creative Suite 6. 

Used Adobe software – an alternative to expensive rental models

It can cost companies a pretty penny to keep their software completely up to date. This is all the more true since manufacturers have begun to attach the rights of use for their software to rental models. The forerunner was Adobe, which has led advertising agencies and creatives to spend excessive amounts on IT for years.

Licences from the secondary market offer a much cheaper alternative to subscriptions. On-premises software means the user makes a one-off payment and installs the software via download link and product key.

VENDOSOFT regularly sells used Adobe products at 50 percent  below the original price. As part of the current discount campaign, the reseller is lowering the prices again; in some cases by 20 to 30 percent. For example, the CS 6 Edition of Adobe Illustrator will be priced at just EUR 248 (plus VAT) until the end of the year, instead of EUR 378.

Used software – secure and as new

Software does not wear out. It is as reliable used as it is new. As a used product, it offers the certainty of a mature product that has been well documented.

VENDOSOFT ensures full rights transfer and supply chain compliance. The company verifies that the vendor has uninstalled the traded volume licenses and confirms to its customers the fulfilment of all legal requirements for used software. For order values of EUR 2,000 or more, this is additionally verified by an independent auditor.

Used software – savings potential with buyback guarantee

For advertising agencies and creatives, used Adobe software not only represents an enormous savings potential. VENDOSOFT also offers a buyback guarantee, i.e. the ability to return software at a price and date agreed at the time of purchase. This provides the buyer with tax benefits – and liquid funds at the specified time.

VENDOSOFT’ offers of Adobe and Microsoft products can be found in our ONLINE SHOP

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